Tuesday 3 May 2011

Free Knitting Pattern No. 8: Neck Tie

Materials: 1 pair UK No.6 (5mm; US 8)  Knitting Needles;  Under 50g Yarn;
Abbreviations: mm: millimetres; cm: centimetres; k: knit; p: purl; st.: stitch; sts.: stitches; inc: increase; rem: remain; tog: together; rep: repeat
Cast on 3 sts
1st Row: k into back of each st.
2nd Row: Inc into first st, k1, inc into last st. (5sts.)
3rd Row: k
4th Row: Inc into first st, k3, inc into last st. (7sts,)
5th Row: k
6th Row: Inc into first st, k5, inc into last st. (9sts.)
7th Row: k
8th Row: Inc into first st, k7, inc into last st. (11sts.)
9th Row: k
10th Row: Inc into first st, k9, inc into last st. (13sts.)
11th Row: k
12th Row: Inc into first st, k11, inc into last st. (15sts.)
13th Row k
14th Row: Inc into first st, k13, inc into last st. (17sts.)
15th Row: k
16th Row: Inc into first st, k15, inc into last st. (19sts.)
17th Row: k
Begin Pattern:
*18th Row: k
19th Row: p
20th Row: k1, **k2tog, rep from**to end
21st Row: ***k1,  pick up & k1, rep from ***to end.*
These four rows form the pattern.
Following pattern as above from * to * continue until work measures 8ins (20cm) ending on fourth pattern row
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (17sts rem)
Continue in pattern until work measures 10ins (25cm) ending on fourth pattern row
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (15sts. rem)
Continue in pattern until work measures 12ins (30cm) ending on fourth pattern row
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (13 sts. rem)
Continue in pattern until work measures 14ins (36cm) ending on fourth pattern row
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (11sts. rem)
Continue in pattern until work measures 16ins (40cm) ending on fourth pattern row
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (9 sts. rem)
Continue on these 9 sts. without shaping until work measures 50ins (127cms) ending on second pattern row (i.e. pearl row).
Next Row: p
**Next Row: k
Rep from ** until 12 more rows have been worked.
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (7sts. rem)
Next Row: k
Next Row: k2tog, k to last 2sts, k2tog (5sts. rem)
Next Row: k2tog, k1, k2tog (3sts. rem)
Break yarn and thread through rem 3 sts. Fasten off. Sew in ends neatly.

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