Saturday 14 May 2011

Free Knitting Pattern No.7: Two Needle Mittens

Size: Average

Materials: 1 pair UK Size 9 (3.5mm; US 4)

Approx. 50 grammes (UK); grams (US) 8 ply (Double Knitting) yarn

Abbreviations: approx.: approximately; k: knit; st: stitch; p: purl; tbl: through back of loop; ins: inches; cm: centimetres; mm: millimetres; sts: stitches; rep: repeat; stocking stitch; tog: together; no.: number

Terms: pick up 1: pick up the thread that lies between the stitch just knitted and the next stich; through back of loop (tbl): put the right-hand needle into the back of the loop of the next stitch and knit it; stocking stitch: *1 row knit, 1 row purl* alternately for required no. of rows.
Cast on 40 sts.
1st Row: k into back of each st
2nd Row: Begin k2, p2 rib
Continue in rib until work measures 2ins (5cm)
Next Row: k
Next Row: p
Next Row: k20, pick up 1 & k tbl, k1, pick up 1 & k tbl, k to end
Next Row: p
Next Row: k20, pick up 1 & k tbl, k3, pick up 1 & k tbl, k to end
Next Row: p
Next Row: k20, pi k up 1 & k tbl, k5, pick up 1 & k tbl, k to end
Next Row: p
Continue in this manner increasing by two the no. of k sts before the 2nd pick up in each k row until the no. has reached 15 sts. (56 sts on needle)
Next Row: p
Next Row: k37, turn, p17.  Now work on these sts. only.
Work 14 Rows in ending in p
Next Row: k1, *k2tog, rep from * to end
Next Row: p
Next Row: k1, *k2tog rep from * to end
Break yarn and thread through sts. Turn thumb inside out.  Pull up and secure. Sew seam. Turn thumb right side out.

This pattern creates a very neat thumb gusset


  1. where is the rest of the pattern?

  2. I also cannot find the rest of the pattern

  3. Me neither and I'd started knitting so if anyone has the rest could you please pass it on thank you

  4. Did anyone get rest of pattern.

  5. I ended up closing the hand part the same as I did the thumb. Once completing the thumb section I knitted the hand section to measure 7 1/2” from cast on row. Then on right side I k1, k2tog to the end. The next row P all st. Then repeat k1, k2tog to the end. Bind off as done with thumb section.

  6. again wheres the rest of the pattern will try what anonymous did but not a very good pattern

  7. Not sure I understand the increase part for the thumb. Just wondering if there is a video on you tube that could show it


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