Wednesday 27 April 2011

Quick Knit Large Items

The shawl begins with four stitches at cast on and is increased evenly by one stitch at each end until the desired maximum width.  A few rows without shaping are knitted and then it is decreased evenly by one stitch at each end until four stitches remain for cast off.

Select an easy stitch such as Garter Stitch and use Double Knitting, (8 ply) with Large needles.  Use a simple Pattern. In the photo below the pullover is merely waist bands knitted in rib with the body knitted in Garter stitch and a simple neckline.
Sleeve bands are knitted in rib and the sleeves increase very gradually in size from the wristband to the shoulder
After joining the back and front by a few stitches first at the top left and repeated at the top right to form the shoulder seams and leaving the remaining area open for the neck, the sleeves are sewn into place.  The side and sleeve seams are then sewn.  (See Blog Post: 'Free Knitting Pattern No. 5: Fast Chunky Pullover' for complete instructions).
The shawl begins with four stitches at cast on and is increased evenly by one stitch at each end until the desired maximum width.  A few rows without shaping are knitted and then it is decreased evenly by one stitch at each end until four stitches remain for cast off.

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